Monday, January 24, 2011

It was all a dream.

Many of us dream. A big percentage of us out there at least. If you are one of the unfortunate souls that has not recalled a dream or does not look forward to resting at night and being bombarded with uncontrolled images, well then, my apologies, first and foremost, on the account of your brain.

Dreams have been one of the small things I've always been able to remember for some reason. I still remember one night when I was eight and my father's roommate and best friend had to dodge my fast feet as I screamed from fright during a particularly bad recurring dream where Pocahontas followed and semi-stalked me through the outdoor auditorium where summer musicals are put on in my hometown called the Muni. See, even as a small child, I was out of my mind.

Every night before I go to sleep I hope for a dream. They do not always come to me, and when they do they are very... vague. But there is always one place I can be promised a dream. I'm not sure why, exactly, but each time I sleep in this one place, I am graced with dreams. Some odd, some beautiful, all of them blessings.

That place is my best friend's bed at her father's house.

I know this is odd, but I only just realized this the last time I was sleeping over a couple weekends ago. I do not, unfortunately, possess the memory to recall the majority of these dreams off the top of my head, but yet I know that they did happen.

Sometimes you have a dream that is beautiful in all of its eloquence, so brilliant in color and detail, that it becomes a nightmare in the waking hours, driving you to the near brink of insanity. You rack your brain, wondering how a dream of this sort has become, and you never see. All you know is you want it back. Oftentimes, also, you may be in the situation that you awake from this dream and, in frustration, go back to sleep with hopes of its return. We all know that that will never happen unless you wake up and go back to sleep hoping the bad dream you just left will not return. Which it always does. Ugh.

Last night I had a dream. I can't remember much of it. But I remember one voice, a voice that means a lot to me at this moment in time, telling me something that now seems kind of weird, but I still loved and love that it was said and here it is.

"I love your waist. Sometimes, I can still feel my arms around you. Sometimes, my hands grasp air, fooling me into thinking you are near."

And of course, I do believe this is all result of the fact that I, in return, feel the hands of him around me also while half asleep and trippy from my cold medicine. My brain teases me with thoughts of his nearness, of his return. When I do realize it was all a dream, I am sad of course. But when you miss someone, the days get better. Not because time can mend a heart, no. But because for every day since your last meeting, it is also another day closer to your next.

I'll see you in my dreams.
Love forever,
Girl In Blue.

Friday, January 14, 2011

If you be my sky then I'll be your star.

Once many many years ago, the earth was a sea, a sky, and a lighthouse.

The sky was very bright in the daytime, for he was happy with his friend the sun's company.

But at night, the sky got dark and sad. He missed his friend the sun, who went to sleep until the next morning. The sky had no company.

There was also one reflection. A reflection from the lighthouse in the sea. She watched the sky with fascination, wishing she could see the rest of the world from above. All day and night she sat in one place, forbidden to move.

One night, after sun left, Sky got sad and began to cry. His cries turned into a storm, and massive waves flipped and turned the reflection back and forth, every which way. One wave that stood as tall as the lighthouse flipped reflection up, where she landed in the sky, brightening it.

"Why are you crying?" She asked.

Sky replied, seeing her company "I'm lonely. It's dark here. I don't like the dark"

The reflection thought a moment. "Well, I'm not very big, but I'm something. May I stay with you"

"Of course," Sky said, and the clouds cleared. "What may I call you?"

The reflection thought a moment. She couldn't well be a reflection anymore. So she thought of the prettiest name for herself.

"I'm Star" She finally said.

They talked and talked all night, until Sun began to peek up over the sea.

"I have to go," said Star. "But I will still be here. You just cannot see me."

"Will I see you later?" Sky was disappointed.

"As long as you have a place for me, I will spend every night here with you"

And so was the beginning of a beautiful friendship. Every night Star would come and talk about everything with Sky. And Sky was brighter because of it. He was no longer sad. In fact, Sky looked forward to spending nights with Star.

Star knew she was happy in her perch, too. Not only had she found a friend, but also she had found freedom. She was happy there each night, watching the sea from above, and seeing all of the new reflections she had created.

One night Sky realized something.

"Star?" He asked.

"Yes, Sky?" she replied.

"What do you call it when you live for one thing, one being other than yourself. When you can never stop thinking about that thing. And it is never off your mind. And you like everything about it. And you spend all of your time away wishing you were with them, and all your time with them hoping it would never end?"

Star thought. For a long while, she couldn't think of anything.

"Well," She finally whispered, "I think I know what you are talking about. I think you are talking about love."

"Love." Sky tried it on his tongue. "Yes... love. I like the sound of it. No, I love the sound of that."

"Why do you ask?" Star wondered aloud.

Suddenly Sky got nervous.

"Well.. I think maybe... I might love you."

Star did a flip and shone brighter than ever.

"Why, that's great!" She said. "I think I love you also."

And so forever they stayed the same, existing together in perfect love.

One day, many years after, Sky recalled the day he met Star.

"I don't know what I would do without you. Before you, all was dark. And you came and lit the world," He said, gazing upon the reflections of Star in the sea below.

"Well, I don't know what I'd do without you. Before I was in one place, paralyzed, dreaming of freedom. And you gave me freedom. More than. You gave me a home."

"Promise me you will forever shine bright," Sky asked.

"As long as you promise to not let me fall" Star replied.

And so it was. And it still is.

May your sky be lit with a thousand stars.
Girl In Blue.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

You can't appreciate the sunny days..

Good day to you, my lovely followers. Did you know I love you guys? It's so very true!

Did everyone have a splendorous holiday season? I know I did. I got everything I wanted.

So what shall we talk about today? Lets talk about a few things since it's been so long since our last meeting...err... update.

We like to hope alot, don't we? We hope to ace the big test on Friday. We hope those new boots will go on sale. And we hope that that guy you met on the ship last Monday likes you as much as you like him and you will really hit it off.

Not to be precise or anything..

The point is, if you are human, you have hope for a lot of things. Sometimes (ok... maybe a lot of the time) we hope for things that will never be. Sometimes you have nothing left to hope for, so you grab onto the first thing with hope potential, whether it's realistic or not. Sure, the voice in the back of your head is saying "Noooooooooo bad idea!" but of course you ignore it and regret it later.

It is an important part of life to learn what to and to not hope for. Don't waste your time hoping for material things that are easy to gain. Hope for big things, like love and happiness, and then go make them happen.

Tell that random guy at the mall how gorgeous he looks. Tell your friends if something is bothering you. Hope is a great thing in small amounts. But wouldn't it be so much greater to make things happen then to hope for them to happen?

So while school was out I went on one of the BEST vacations of my entire life. So far, that is. A one-week Caribbean cruise that stopped in St. Maarten, St. Thomas, and Nassau. Simply adored the nice injection of blue. Blue skies, blue seas. Qu'est-ce qu'un beau rĂªve.

The only thing not blue was me. I was happy as a clam laying in the sun reading while all of my friends enjoyed the snow and negative degree weather here in the mid-west. And maybe the clear skies and the sound of waves makes for the perfect romantic setting. Maybe... Maybe my lips are sealed. I'll never tell *sly look*.

This leads to our second topic of the day. Yes, I know TWO WHOLE TOPICS!

The sea has always been a subject of infatuation for me. It makes me feel... I don't know... free. I'm not going to lie, as a child swimming in the ocean was an activity I was perfectly happy not partaking in. Why would you want to get salt in your eyes and sand in your swimsuit when you can swim in a temperature controlled, chlorinated pool? But over time and after frequent Florida trips, I became accustomed to and even fell in complete and unbreakable love with the comforting rock of the waves, the scent of the breeze carrying salt, and, of course, the small pile of sand that deposits itself in your swimsuit. I know. Ew.

What I think I love most about the sea is how tuned to each sense it is. When you actually hear the sound of the waves, you can't help become addicted to it. When you float on the crest of each wave, you want to stay there forever, existing there on the surface of the ocean. And come on, am I the only one that is hypnotized every time a view of the waves catches my attention?

While I was on vacation, I would frequent my mother and father's room simply to sit and watch the ocean dance, perfectly content with it's home under the sky. And it made me think Why can't I be as free as a wave, going simply where the wind took me? Breathing the sweet ocean air made me finally become aware that I can be free (it rhymes because it's an Owl City lyric... aren't I predictable?). Someday, I will live contently and happily with what I have.

My final topic goes a little bit with the first.

Fear and Hope, and their relationship.

Fear and Hope are kind of like fraternal twins. They disagree all the time and act like they hate each other but everyone knows one can not exist without the other. Let's see a situation. A common one that we all know.

Aha. The Perfect Relationship.

Step One: Before Relationship.
Hope- To find the perfect person that meets all of your standards
Fear- You won't find them. Ever.

Step Two: During Relationship.
Hope- That the person likes you just as much and will love you for you.
Fear- The person will not like you and will see you as the wrong person and drop you.

Step Three- After Relationship
Hope- Either for the person back or for a new person to take away the pain.
Fear- ...???

You see? This equation can work for almost any "want-get-lose" situation. Fear is only gone when all is lost. That is when you are filled with hope. It is a terribly miserable, and yet a perfectly beautiful, thing. You cannot appreciate the sunny days without a few clouds.

So embrace your fears and hopes, my loves, and go out there and spread it.

Until the next time.
Stay Blue.

Girl In Blue